In part one we discussed the benefits of working out what you want to achieve with your new space, the basics as far as where it will be, how the space may look, what storage, colour scheme, is it setting the tone of the business – or conforming to what is already there. We also […]
News, Blog & Events
Interesting thoughts and behind the scenes at Compact.
how a mezzanine floor can revolutionise your business
If your business is running out of space and you are looking for cost effective alternatives to gaining large amounts of space – consider a mezzanine floor. A mezzanine floor can withstand weights from 360kg to 1000kg per square metre other loadings per application – which is substantially more than most businesses would need. From […]
compact storage have re-branded
Compact Storage has undergone a transformation this week. We are proud to introduce to you our new logo, social media branding and website. Our new website is laid out in both product and sector formats to make it easier to navigate and arrive at the storage solutions you are seeking. It’s also mobile friendly – […]
looking for inspiration in the workplace?
Compact go further than your average furniture supplier. Why? Because they make it as well. If you have, for example, a space that has bugged you for years that you believe is a “waste of space” – because of it’s limited height or awkward non-square corners, don’t despair. Compact have a solution for that. With […]
agile working – the bench top workforce
Agile working is currently one of the biggest buzz words used in today’s businesses. To make your workplace an agile workspace you may wish to discover initiatives along the lines of bench top working: Having somewhere to quickly set up your laptop and check your emails is vital. An informal place to read a […]
agile working for the mobile workforce
Agile working is a philosophy that when adopted, needs to be ingrained into a company’s DNA. It means the ability to offer a variety of working habitats, anytime and ideally, any place within a working organisation. It’s not just about having flexi-time – but it’s about flexi space. Not only that but agile working also […]
remove the burden of storage management
One of the largest concerns for educational facilities is storage management for students around the campus. Issues that many facilities have had to contend with have included: lost keys, running out of space, unused lockers and out of commission storage. Not to mention the issues relating to the space used for redundant or hardly used […]
interview with compact workspace on office furniture and agile working
Check out the interview Guy gave on Compact Workspace and the products and services they provide. Guy gave an interview on the benefits of working with Compact Workspace. He talks about agile working and also why working with Compact Workspace opens the scope and pushes the boundaries on traditional office space planning, manufacture and delivery.
clerkenwell design week
It’s Clerkenwell design week! Guy is slap bang in the middle of things for the rest of the week, showcasing the Simplicity RFID lockers. He is currently based from Nowy Styl’s showroom for the duration and would love to see you if you’re coming to see what’s new in the storage world.
what makes a quality archive shelving installation pd5454
What Makes A Good Archive Storage Installation? We’ve produced a document highlighting those suggestions as to PD5454 compliant installations below: Shelving should be designed in such a way as to provide adequate ventilation, allowing free movement of air around the stock to ensure pockets of stale air or humidity do not pose a threat to […]
mobile racking and mobile shelving units faq’s
Mobile Roller Racking Shelving How safe is it to operate? Mobile storage and mobile racking are extremely safe. Locking handwheels ensure that the open aisle is braked, and that the adjacent mobile base units cannot close up the aisle whilst personnel are accessing the shelving. Is it hard to move? geared drive systems enable fully loaded […]